Unveiling archetypal wisdom through the art of chart interpretation

Beginning March 9, 2025

Astrology is an amazing tool for self-discovery, one that has been used since the faraway days of ancient Babylon.

It’s power lies in its suggestion—that we are innately connected to the macrocosm, to nature, and to something big and divine.

Astrology empowers us to feel connected to the earth, our origins, and our own path of individuation.

Astrology is also very complicated, full of rules, correspondences, and geometry.

After we’re done with the task of memorizing the pieces of the puzzle, how can we weave them together, with a poetic eye—an eye towards enchantment?

And how can we do this while ensuring our readings are insightful, helpful, and accurate?

If these questions feel resonant to you, you’ve found the right astrology course…

The School of Astrological Arcana will teach you to:

Master the fundamentals of astrology, gaining a deep understanding of planet, sign, house and aspect, and create seamless readings. 

Cultivate new symbolic and poetic vocabularies by learning how to weave details from mythology, alchemy, and magick into your astrology practice. 

Learn to read the chart as a story of individuation, blending elements of depth-psychology into your readings. 

Develop new ways of identifying essential archetypal elements of your natal chart and personal cycles. 

Step into true confidence as an astrologer, whether you’re a professional or simply using astrology as a tool for self-knowledge. 

Welcome to The School of Astrological Arcana

In the span of ten weeks, we’ll work together to deepen your understanding of the pieces of the natal chart, guiding you into a more powerful, confident approach to seeing to the heart of any astrological chart.

This class is taught LIVE on Zoom, but is recorded for replay in case our schedules don’t align.

The nine live lectures are supplemented by three Astrology Lab sessions, open-ended Q/A style meetings where students can bring their pressing questions, and receive instruction in the art of chart interpretation.

Students will receive supplemental workbooks, readings in mythology, depth psychology, and astrology, as well as be invited to join a live community with discussion features, to connect with like-minded astrology students, and practice chart reading on a regular basis!

Who Is This Course For?

If You:

  • Are a student of astrology and proficient in the basic meanings of the planets, signs, houses, but yearn for a deeper understanding of the chart or…

  • Are looking for a way to add more poetic details into your chart interpretations or…

  • Are inspired by archetypal perspectives but are unsure how to weave these into your readings without feeling overwhelmed or…

  • Are looking for MENTORSHIP on your astrology learning path, or…

  • Are familiar with astrology, but want a supportive learning environment in which everything is brought together and clarified, with depth, or…

  • Are an aspiring professional astrologer OR seriously committed to self-study for personal empowerment

Then this class is for you!

  • In our first class, we will get our historical and magical bearings by taking a tour through the historical transmission of astrology, from its Babylonian birth to its contemporary expression.

    This offers students perspective not only on the details of astrology, but shows the way this discipline is influenced by so many cultures over a vast period of time.

    After our historical exploration, we’ll dive into an exploration of sympathetic magic, comparative mythology, and how this class opens the door to seeing the mythic landscapes of your natal chart.

    Supplemental readings may include essays from Demetra George, Robert Graves, Karen Armstrong, and Elizabeth Sewell, Ovid’s Metamorphosis, two guided meditations for creative chart immersion.

  • In our second class, we’ll work to establish an understanding of each component of the chart:

    • How do we understand what the planets do, and what does it mean when a planet is in a sign?

    • What is a house, and how do we even understand how to look at our “circle” charts?

    • What do aspects do, and how can we read them without immediately feeling overwhelmed?

    • And most importantly, where do we start, when approaching the chart?

    Supplementary materials include a PDF workbook for identifying each piece of your natal chart and beginning to “see” its innate structure.

  • Our third class introduces the planets, exploring their mythic and archetypal expressions, as well as defining just how they function in the natal chart.

    This class also walks you through the concept of planetary dignity and planetary typology.

    We’ll learn about malefic and benefic planets, planets that are nocturnal and diurnal, the humoral correlations of the planets, and perhaps most importantly, which signs the planets prefer to reside in, to help you decode a planet’s relative strength in the chart.

    Supplementary readings include excerpts from Richard Tarnas, Demetra George, Robert Graves Greek Myths, Helena Avelar & Louis Avelar, and my own planetary dignity workbook PDF.

    *After this class, we will meet this weekend for our first Q/A practicum session. Dates to be voted on by students upon enrollment.

  • In our fourth class, we will explore the archetypal and mythic expressions of these planets, and explore their natal expression.

    This particular group of planets functions a bit differently than the planets covered in Class 3, as they are farther, slower-moving “outer planets.”

    We’ll explore their placement in our charts as a way of understanding our responses to collective power, and social dynamics of our generations.

    We’ll learn how to read the outer planets in the chart as an expression of our relationship to the world around us, and how we can tap into generational questions as individuals.

    Supplemental readings include excerpts from Robert Graves Greek Myths, Richard Tarnas, Avelar & Ribiero

    Item description

  • Within the natal itself, there are twelve slices of “sky,” and each of them represents a particular theme, or set of topics, or “field of experience.”

    This class will teach you the ideas that are expressed by each house, and show you just how to overlay planet, house, and sign.

    This is where the chart starts to get really unique, where we begin to see details that are very personal to YOU.

    Supplemental reading may include excerpts from Karen Hamaker-Zondag, Demetra George, and my own houses workbook PDF.

  • Our sixth class will bring in the concept of aspects, those wild looking lines in the center of your chart, and define them with clarity.

    Aspects provide extra details about your planets and how they express their energy, how they are modulated by the rest of the planets in the chart.

    When we read our aspects, we are able to see true glimpses of hyper-specific personal detail, and this is where chart reading can get really juicy.

    As this is a last piece of the puzzle, we’ll spend time in this class looking at charts on the screen together, to provide lots of examples, and conversation, about how aspects work.

    Supplemental reading may include excerpts from Karen Hamaker-Zondag, Avelar & Ribiero, Chris Brennan, and my own aspects workbook.

  • In our seventh class, we will expand our vision of the sky, and begin to consider what it means to experience an astrological transit.

    For although your natal chart stands still for your entire life, you are always being impacted by the cosmos.

    Every Full or New Moon lights you up in a unique way. Every eclipse, every time a planet changes signs—these are examples of planetary transits. By learning how to read transits, we learn how to understand how to orient ourselves to our personal cycles and storylines in this lifetime.

    We’ll talk about what each planet in transit expresses itself as, and I’ll share insight on major astro rites of passage like the Saturn return, the Uranus opposition, the Pluto square, the Chiron return, and we’ll practice looking at charts together, too.

    Supplemental materials include a transit diary for you to use and track your own planetary cycles!

  • Class eight expands us even further out into the cosmos, and introduces the methods I use to bring asteroids into our natal chart practice.

    There are tens of thousands of asteroids, and most are named after mythic figures.

    By noticing which asteroids are important in our chart, we can tap into a sense of our inner “daimon,” our guiding archetypes, which brings even more richness and nuance to our understanding of astrology.

    Supplemental readings may include Rollo May on the daimon, excerpts from Plato, and Demetra George.

    *After this class, we will meet for our second live Q/A practicum session, date to be voted on by students upon enrollment.

  • Beyond the confines of the natal chart, we live beneath an ever changing, and ever-enchanted sky.

    Class nine introduces us to astrological magic, which is the art of tying sky to action.

    Astrological magic holds that if we carefully observe a set of criteria, we can tap into powerful cosmic moments, and manifest lovely things for ourselves.

    This class introduces the basics of electional astrology (how to pick the “right” astrological moment to do something), and shows you how to make your own astrological rituals in a grounding, but empowering, way.

    This is a door to a rabbit hole, a gateway to creative chart discovery. And here our journey together ends.

    Supplementary materials may include a NORWAC presentation from Kaitlin Coppock, excerpts from Denning & Phillips, Picatrix, the Orphic Hymns, and my own guides to astrological ritual.

Our Curriculum

Please note! This course is the same material as my two previously named courses, “The School of Divine Sympathies,” and “The Art of Chart Interpretation,” with some slight tweaks, changes, and an added community component.

Class Dates & Times

All lectures will be held on Zoom at 11am ET, and recorded for replay, in case you can’t join live.

Live Lectures

Class 1: March 9
Class 2: March 16
Class 3: March 23
Class 4: March 30
Class 5: April 6
Class 6: April 13
Class 7: April 20
Class 8: April 27
Class 9: May 4

Bonus Q/A Sessions

Session 1: March 26
4:30pm ET

Session 2: April 16
4:30pm ET

Session 3: May 14
4:30pm ET

Two Ways to Join

Astrological Arcana Student

$399 or 3 payments of $137

All students in this class receive:

- Nine live lectures, each approx. 2 hours in length

- Three additional live Q/A sessions, themed to help you practice chart interpretation techniques

- Supplementary reading materials from astrology texts, myths, and poetry

- Workbooks and journaling pages to help you practice identifying chart details

- Guided meditations to help facilitate creative engagement with the chart

- Nine “mystery chart” practice exercises to strengthen your readings

- Connection with a community of like-minded seekers on their astro-learning journey!

Astrological Arcana Mentorship

$799 or 3 payments of $270

As a mentee in this class, you’ll enjoy all the rich course offerings listed here, as well as:

- Weekly hour-long meetings with Cristina, to receive one-on-one instruction and guidance in the realm of astrological interpretation

- Mentees can bring all of their deep curiosity to our sessions, guiding the conversation based on their unique areas of focus, making a truly tailor-made experience in The School of Divine Sympathies

- Mentorship is best suited for those who have an established astrology practice and are either aspiring professional astrologers, or are deeply committed to understanding the chart for your own personal practice.

- Space for mentorship is limited, with only five spots available.

Early Bird Perks

Enroll in The School of Astrological Arcana before February 14th and receive two bonus gifts!

  • The Archetypal Astrology booklet

    • This 42 page booklet opens the door into the realm of astrology seen through the lens of myth and depth-psychology. With a glossary of astro terms, explorations of the archetypal qualities of your “Big Three,” definitions of all ten planets, twelve signs, and twelve houses, as well as a supplementary Mythic Reading List, this is a lovely resource for the astro-curious.

  • Free Bonus Webinar: Myths from Underground

    • A 90 minute presentation on the mythic underworld, the astrological Eighth House, and how we use astrology and myth to help us “see in the dark,” navigating life’s more shadow-laden challenges.

These two offerings are worth $55, for free!

$598 $443

Looking for a primer before jumping in?

Excited to dive deeply into astrology but need some foundational insight before class begins? You can bundle my intro class, Astrology for Beginners ($199), with The School of Astrological Arcana ($399)!

Save $155 by combining these two courses and enter our class feeling resourced and ready!

Payment plan available!

I’ll Be Your Teacher

Hi! For those who don’t yet know me, I’m Cristina, the astrologer behind Eighth House Astrology and the instructor for this course. I’m so glad you’re here with me.

Over the years of my journey as a student and practitioner of astrology, I’ve been led by my own fascination with the magic of the cosmos as much as my love of myth, poetry, and painting, in my quest for self-knowledge.

To me, astrology is so powerful because it reveals the innate connections, between the seeable and the unseen. Astrology acts as an affirmation of something true, supportive, ever-present, and magical, and in a world rife with conflict, abandonment, and pain, this to me is very comforting.

I hold an M.A. Western Intellectual Traditions (focused on Greek drama and mythic texts) and have been in astrological consultation and teaching practice since 2016.

I’m here to lead you in a class that will transform your astrological perception, make you a more confident reader of astrology charts, and empower you to infuse your practice with your own creative consciousness.

Student Testimonials

Cristina is an incredibly insightful astrologer and wonderful teacher. She is thorough, knowledgable, engaging, and creative in her lectures, and always took time to answer my questions thoughtfully. Her approach to astrology resonated with me deeply, and I feel that my practice grew exponentially through her teachings on technique, interpretation, and poeticism.

— Katrin Ree

The School of Astrological Arcana was such an incredible class! 💕 It has truly expanded my heart and mind. Chart interpretation is becoming more and more natural for me and the asteroid class totally changed my view on how the universe works. 

— Mallory Fyfe

It’s no exaggeration whatsoever to say that nearly every day, I draw from the wealth of knowledge you’ve given me. It feels like an incredible gift to be able to read for the people around me. I’m always proud to tell others where I got my astrological education so that they can go right to the good stuff if they want to learn more! Thank you 🌷

— Cat Harris

Cristina’s wise teachings are so rich with beauty and the mytho-poetic, but are also well researched and so obviously thought out with great care and consideration. I came away from each class excited about what I had learned and inspired to go deeper with the parts of the class that really caught my attention. I loved the practical offerings that wove in my natal chart with the teachings, making them embodied and personal, and enriching to my own astrological practice. Thank you for weaving such a beautifully layered tapestry of astro poetry and knowledge!

— Rebecca Holly


  • If you’re ready to take the leap into the art of chart interpretation, I welcome you warmly to the class whether you’re a beginner or intermediate student of astrology!

    While this class does explore the building blocks of the chart, I won’t be going into super detail about the basics of things like the signs, houses, aspects, and planets. This class takes a more symbolic, archetypal approach to those components.

    However! If you are a beginner, I welcome to you either check out my Astrology for Beginners class, OR bundle the Astrology for Beginners class *with* the Art of Chart Interpretation, at a discounted price.

  • Nope! All classes are recorded for you, and shared via our class platform on Podia as soon as class is over, each week. This class is designed to be taken live OR asynchronously, and there is no time limit on access to class materials.

  • All course materials: class recordings, supplementary readings and downloads, practice charts., etc., are all posted on Podia, the teaching website you used to purchase access to class! As soon as you buy class access, you’ll be able to log in to Podia, see our Zoom link and class dates, and access early-registry materials (if you enroll early).

    Each week I will be updating the class materials there, and you have access to these in perpetuity.

  • After enrolling in the class, you’ll have access to the class Podia site, and will be immediately able to create a profile in the class community, which will be hosted by Mighty Networks. This will be our social space, where students can chat, share charts, ask questions, and connect with one another. I’ll be along for the ride, as well :)

  • If you purchase this class and decide it’s not for you, please let me know one week after class starts, in order to receive a refund.

    Refund requests after that date will only be a 25% refund, and will be per my discretion. Thank you so much for understanding.

  • I use whole sign houses in my readings and class sample charts, but you are more than welcome to join if you use a different house system!