Jupiter conjunct Chiron

Jupiter Chiron Conjunction

Conjunctions bring us the simultaneous end and beginning of planetary cycles, and each conjunction offers us the chance to shed a layer of expectation, of experience, of baggage, and strive for something akin to renewal.

On Saturday, March 11th, we’ll witness the conjunction of Jupiter and Chiron, bringing the planets of expansion, spirituality, excess (Jupiter), and healing our deepest wounds (Chiron) together in a special conjunction. This is an especially rare alignment, as Jupiter and Chiron are only conjunct about every 15 years or so.

Their most recent conjunction was on May 20th, 2009, when they met at 26° Aquarius in a triple conjunction with Neptune. The conjunction before that was on June 11th 1990 when they met at 15° Cancer, which is square the position they’ll meet at tomorrow, 14° Aries.

Jupiter has a magnifying effect on whatever he touches, and when he crosses paths with this gentle centaur, our own wounds may feel like they are under a haze of Jupiterian lightning. Our pain may feel more visceral, but on the other hand, we may feel like we are finally coming around to understanding what makes our wounding unique to our experience.

New clarity about how to approach our inner tenderness may come through. Meeting Jupiter out on the open road, Chiron is reminded of the healing power of faith, of the ever distant horizon that beckons us to further travels. Jupiter can lead us to excess, but he can also bring hope.

The weekend is influenced deeply by this transit, and occurs on the first Saturn-day of our Saturn in Pisces transit, which seems auspicious to me. Saturn in Pisces will be, in part, about bringing new structure to the spiritual, or finding new ways to provide solid ground for our watery hearts. Tuning in to our emotional core, our past pain, may feel unavoidable this weekend. After we bring some awareness, though, to the eternal ache, we ought to move with the wisdom of Jupiter.

Look out to the horizon. The path to healing is opening anew, and you can take your first steps forward with some jovial optimism. Saturn does remind us that time heals all wounds, and here, we can find hope.


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