Astrology & Tarot Readings
Summer 2024
Summer Schedule
From August 1st through September 14th, I’ll be scheduling 30 minute sessions only.
I have some big changes coming up on the horizon, and so my availability for sessions will be slightly limited.
Check in each week as I make more slots available on an ongoing basis.
My normal menu of offerings will return in October of 2024!
Book your summer reading to…
Get Quick Insight
Have a burning question that you’re dying for a flash of insight and guidance around? Looking for a supportive voice before making a big decision? These sessions offer space for 1-2 direct questions, which I’ll answer with precision and warmth.
Find Meaningful Support
As your diviner, I’m here to reflect back to you the nature of the problem, or question you present. Summer sessions offer astro insights designed to get to the heart of your query, with little fussing or muddling around for answers.
Blend Astrology & Tarot
These sessions offer quick hits of insight, and for the first time in years, I’m publicly offering divination via the tarot. Combining deft astrological insights with intuitive information from the cards will help light the way, beautifully.
Book your summer session.
Booking 30 minute astrology sessions with the option to add on one tarot card pull for extra divinatory support!
Here are some important notes about my sessions:
All of my sessions are held on Zoom, a platform that allows us to connect virtually, and at the moment I am located in the PST timezone. I encourage my clients to record these calls on their computer (very easy with Zoom!) to ensure that they receive a recording of our call, to refer to after our conversation has ended.
I read using the whole sign house system, and am deeply influenced by Hellenistic techniques of interpretation. As a result, I rely on traditional rulerships for the signs, and will use Hellenistic timing techniques as applies. Thank you so much for being here, I look forward to working with you!