Eighth House Astrology

To Help You See In the Dark

astrology to help you see in the dark 👁

Eighth House Astrology 🧿

astrology to help you see in the dark 👁 Eighth House Astrology 🧿

The Labyrinth Holds the Divine Spark

Your life is a luminous story. In the myths, we see heroes, magical beasts, witches, and deities set out on adventures, for the sake of finding some personal essence. The path is often labyrinthine, and full of challenges.

At Eighth House Astrology, I’m here to find the sacred thread that runs through your psyche, through your stories, so that you can find your way to the center of the soul, and back again.

A Brief Introduction

Hi, I’m Cristina Farella, I’m a consulting astrologer, teacher, and writer, and I’m here to help you reclaim your mythic depths.

Whether you’re lost at sea like Odysseus, striving to alchemize life’s frustrations like Circe, moving through Herculean labors, or seeking inspiration from the Muses, my work holds space for your exact emotional, circumstantial, and astrological needs. You’ll feel empowered, enchanted, and seen. You can see some kind words from students and clients by clicking here. :)

Learn more about me here, and check out my media tab to take a glance at my articles, podcast appearances, and oracle deck guidebook.

My Offerings

  • Book Your Reading

    Browse my menu of themed astrology readings, designed to help you connect deeply with your mythic path.

  • Take a Class

    I offer pre-recorded and live courses on the topics of astrology, ritual, mythology. See what’s on offer, here!

  • Tune In to My Podcast

    Tune in to Soror Mystica, a podcast exploring life’s mysteries through its symbols. Led with my friend and archetypal tarotist Mariana Louis, released bi-weekly.

  • Find Me on Substack

    Sharing essays on art and culture with a witchy twist.

Read Your Chart With Mythopoetic Depth

Join me in the Art of Chart Interpretation, a live, nine-week course designed to inspire both confidence in your chart reading skills, and encourage creative chart reading.

Get resourced in the foundations of the art, and experiment with weaving in poetry, myth, and personal insight for truly enchanted chart readings.

Kind Words from Students & Clients